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Disco Solaris Stories
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Novella - Apotheosis

He was just another scrappy survivor of a crashing world, trying to navigate a dying city's dangerous streets. A nobody.

As he passes between this reality and another, his ability to distinguish between them begins to blur. In this trans-dimensional existence, he discovers something about himself.

He has a gift. A dark one.

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Short Story - Schizophrenia, Animatronics, and a Shitload of Crickets
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Pendulum Stories
Novella - Pendulum: Order (WIP)

Chaos is looming in the shattered world of  Pendulum.


Celeste, the Meow Syndicate hunter finds herself thrust into a dangerous search for a missing Astonomer.

Pendulum stories can only be read in the Pendulum Discord community by people who have purchased a Pendulum NFT.



Short Stories - Origins: Order Factions

Pendulum stories can only be read in the Pendulum Discord community by people who have purchased a Pendulum NFT.

Borg Club Stories
Short Story - The BOB Files

Part 1 - Another Brick in the Wall

Borg 2896, known to his friends as Bob, well what friends he had anyway.

More Wizard Tim Stories
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Short Story - The Tale of Tink

A limited release origin story for one of the characters in The Wizard Tim.

Short Story - Many Hands, One Pig

How ham became the official dish of The Many Hands festival in Halfass.

Holders of this NFT gain special privileges in The Wizard Tim Discord Community and are also eligible for future airdrops, discounts and other bonuses.

Copyright Sugarpig Productions, LLC 2022

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